How to pull over to safety after a small car accident

Being in a car accident, no matter the intensity is a seriously unpleasant experience. Even a small accident, a dent, a knick, or a small sideswipe that left a big dent can be the ruin of a day, not to mention the ruin of a car’s original, stylish aesthetic.

But even the smallest of accidents must be treated with an element of seriousness, especially when it comes to pulling over to the side of the road and what to do in the immediate accident’s immediate aftermath. The last thing you want is to further endanger yourself or other motorists because you weren’t aware of how to safely pull over after the fact!

What’s more, there is a rather healthy set of advice that one should follow when it comes to handling the stages that follow one of these dreaded-yet-somewhat innocuous unpleasantries. You want to get the very best out of an accident whether you are at fault or not, so you should always undergo the following tips for how to pull over safely and how to get the best out of this unwanted occurrence. It is also important to know what to do after you have had the accident whilst you have pulled over to safety.


First thing’s first: check if anyone is hurt!

It’s human nature to immediately think of your vehicle after a minor accident in which you were not hurt. But what about your passengers? Or the other driver? Sure, they may have been at fault for the accident but it’s really not as if you want them to suffer, is it?

So, first thing’s first: before you think about having a go at the driver, why not try to ensure that they are okay before continuing to…


Pull over safely

Once you have determined that no one is hurt, it’s time for you and the other driver to safely pull over to the side of the road. Once there, turn on your hazard lights to alert other motorists that something super annoying has taken place and that the last thing they want is for their car to end up part of the accident scene! Be sure to take extra care when standing on the side of the road, as you may be disoriented from the accident and not thinking properly about your surroundings.

Note: Only pull over to the side of the road if the damage is minor. If the damage is significant, do your best to leave the car there.


Contact the police

Next, it’s time to contact the police. “But it was only a minor accident, why do I have to get the police involved?” you ask? Well, because if you were in a not at fault accident, it’s a good idea for the police to come down and produce an accident report, one of which you can use when requesting compensation. If the police do not arrive, you can request an accident report from the local law enforcement office.


Collect the details

Now it’s time for the tedious process of collecting the other driver’s details. Yep, it’s lame but it has to be done, so get your phone out and photograph their name, phone number, address and the licence numbers of everyone who was involved in this unlikeable occasion. It just so happens that every now and then a driver’s details won’t align with the car’s insurance or rego papers, so be sure to determine the driver’s relationship to the car’s owner.

Next, note down anything you can about the other driver’s vehicle, including everything from make, model, licence plate, year etc. as this could be important when it comes to making a not at fault claim against the other motorist.


Document the scene

Whilst we don’t all want to be that person who documents every minor thing they can at an accident scene it is vitally important that you do, especially if you weren’t at fault and will be hoping to get some compensation out of the occurrence. This means you have to document any damage done to your car, any noticeable skid marks and any other property damage you can see in the immediate area.


Try not to dispute what occurred

What should I do if I have a car accident and I am not at fault? Leave the dispute up to your claims provider: they know exactly how these things occur and can help you retrieve what is rightfully yours, that being due payment for an accident that wasn’t your fault. Although you and the other driver might both be in states of shock after this unfortunate event it is important that you avoid getting into an argument with the other driver.

It simply serves no purpose and will not help you in your case for compensation, so why exacerbate an already-upsetting incident?


Get on top of compensation early

Once you have left the scene it’s important to be proactive about your compensation so that you receive it as soon as possible! Yes, it’s a nuisance and, yes, it feels like one of those things that your life could easily do without, but it’s a sad fact of life that car accidents do occur.

You don’t want to find yourself in a state of complacency about receiving compensation – it will do nothing more than slow the process and, consequently, take longer for you to receive your due payment!



woman calling national motor claims

Contact the National Motor Claims experts

National Motor Claims is that company to contact soon after your unfortunate incident. As one of Australia’s most reputable motor claims providers, we ensure that not-at-fault drivers receive their due payment without having to wait for what feels like forever.

What’s more, we even provide an accident replacement vehicle for not-at-fault drivers, ensuring they can still be on the road if their vehicle has to receive some important mechanical or panel work. Whilst you continue to stay on the road we will do all the hard work, endeavouring to retrieve the money you deserve for this unfortunate incident’s occurrence.

Simply call us on 1800 (NOT AT FAULT) 032 858 to start the process.


If you're not at fault, you don't need to pay a cent out of your own pocket.

* Ts & Cs apply.

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